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The program is composed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the direction of training of the masters 18.04.01 Chemical technology, master's program “Chemistry and Technology of Polymers with Special Properties”, in accordance with the recommendations of the Methodical Section of the Academic Council of the D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia and accumulated experience in teaching disciplines of that profile at the Department of Chemical Technology of Plastics of the D. Mendeleev University.

Discipline belongs to the disciplines of the variable part educational plan and is designed for study in the 3rd semester. The discipline program assumes that students have theoretical and practical training in the field of physics and chemistry of high-molecular compounds and materials science.

The aim of the discipline. The program is developed to provide students with in-depth knowledge and understanding of chemistry, technology, properties and special features of polymers used as binders for composite materials, the latest achievements in this field and tendencies of its further development

The main objectives of the discipline are:

-            familiarization with the concept of "composite materials", modern methods of their fabrication, including additive technology manufacturing;

-            mastering the chemistry and technology of base and special monomers, resins and other components of thermosetting binders, methods for their analysis and use for the production of composite materials;

-            gaining skills in the formulation of binders based on thermosetting and thermoplastic polymers, fabrication of composite materials, evaluation of their performance characteristics.

This discipline is designed to form a holistic set of competences in the chemistry and technology of polymer binders for composite materials and methods of achieving the required properties by the composite material.

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